Which Montana Brewery Was Named the Most Underrated?
One of my favorite things about living in Montana is that there is no shortage of breweries around. The problem is, as someone who likes checking out different beers, it's sometimes tough to know where to start.
So, time to add another to my list here: Thrillist put together a list of the most underrated breweries in every single state. The ones that are maybe popular but never get their due compared to some of the bigger companies. Their pick for Montana? Tamarack Brewing Company, over in Lakeside.
Here's their description of Tamarack from the article:
"Montana being, you know, Montana, things are pretty spread out, meaning that despite the state putting out some amazing beers, you don't always know where they are (or have the patience to drive 40 hours to get 'em), meaning most breweries could be considered underrated (the ubiquity of Big Sky notwithstanding). But among those underrated breweries, our hearts belong to Lakeside's Tamarack, which has to its name a gold medal English-style IPA to go along with its mysterious black session ale, smoked Scotch ale, and other takes on old-school classics right down to barleywine. There's plenty of room under the big sky, and Tamarack is one of the beacons worth following."
Ok, I'm convinced, and I'll definitely be checking out their stuff soon. Do you agree with this pick, or is there another brewery around you'd put in its place?