‘Yellowstone’ Actor Cole Hauser Got His 1st Big Break 30 Years Ago
We are more than excited to see what season 5 of "Yellowstone" has for us. Even though it feels like the wait has already been long enough. With season 5 filming just getting underway in western Montana, some people are already going back and re-watching the last 4 seasons. Other fans are even going as far as watching some classic movies that feature some of their favorite "Yellowstone" cast members.
Just yesterday, I chose to watch one of my all-time favorite movies, a movie that I have not watched in far too long. I'm talking about the 1993 cult classic "Dazed and Confused." I nearly fell out of my chair when it dawned on me that Cole (a.k.a "Rip") was one of the actors in the movie starring alongside Matthew McConaughey and Ben Affleck in one of his first big movie roles.
Cole played the character of "Benny." Benny is the cool senior, football player, who drives the cool pickup, and can be found in the center of all the high school shenanigans, including the "freshman hazing ritual" featured in the following NSFW clip.
Did you know that Cole Hauser has some deep Montana roots?
As an actor from Los Angeles, many Montana locals like to comment "go back to your home, we don't want you here." Well, it turns out Cole Hauser may be more Montanan than most of us. Turns out his family heritage goes all the way back to his Great Grandfather. Samuel Thomas Hauser was one of Montana's first Governors who held the office of Governor from 1885 to 1887.
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