What is Montana’s Favorite 90’s Sitcom?
When you talk about 90's sitcoms, most people instantly go to Friends or Seinfeld. Not Montana.
Dish Network just released a map of favorite 90's sitcoms in each state, and only three went with "That 70's Show." Us, Idaho and naturally, Wisconsin. Yep, we do love our tie-dye here in Montana. And the show takes place in Wisconsin, so we saw that one coming.
The national favorite was Friends, followed by The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Unfortunately, that makes me a typical American because both of those are my favs. Check out the full map and all of the results here.
And for more 90's nostalgia, don't miss I Love The 90's at Noon tomorrow starting at, you guessed it, noon on Alt 101.5. Followed by our I Love The 90's dance party at the Badlander tomorrow (5/11) night starting at 9 p.m.