$50,000 Bail for Fox Club Shooter – Assault with a Weapon
31 year-old Michael Gordon, the man who was found to have justifiably shot Christopher Hymel to death in the Fox Club Lounge parking lot in 2014, is now in the Missoula County Jail on $50,000 bail after becoming angry at his home and discharging a shotgun several times, drawing Missoula County Sheriff’s deputies.
Chief Deputy Missoula County Attorney Jason Marks said the incident occurred early Tuesday morning.
“Essentially, Mr. Gordon was very drunk and very angry about circumstances in his life,” began Marks. “He made some threats at his home, got a shotgun and discharged a couple of rounds outside the home, which frightened his wife who was inside the home with children.”
Marks said deputies responded to the scene.
“He fled the scene and deputies intercepted him and tried to stop him,” he said. “He fled from them until he stopped in the parking lot of a business, and once he was stopped, he came out of the vehicle with the shotgun.”
Gordon was arrested and charged with felony assault with a weapon, assault on a peace officer, fleeing from a peace officer and failure to appear on another charge.
Marks said Gordon’s attorney indicated that the defendant was being referred to a mental health facility.
Bail was set at $50,000 and Gordon was remanded back to the Missoula County Jail.
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