One of our listeners has reached out to let us know that her beloved beagle is still missing, which is heartbreaking. We know, because our kitty is still missing since we moved on July 2nd. Here are the deets so you can keep an eye out for both, thank you so much in advance.

Callie is an 11-year-old beagle who went missing on September 10th near the Missoula Trap and Skeet Club, down from the Wye truck stops. Her regular collar has fallen off, they found it near their home, but she may still have an electronic collar on. Callie has a small growth under her left eye and a fatty lump on her hip. She's got regular beagle coloring, except her face has gone gray, she's friendly and spry, but occasionally has seizures. Her human Samantha and family miss her very much and continue to search.

Callie the Beagle
Callie the Beagle

Our kitty Eleven was a rescue and is easily frightened, she's an indoor cat but sometimes sits on the porch momentarily. That's what she was doing when a noise scared her and she ran. She was wearing a red heart collar with her name and our phone number, but we haven't heard one peep from her since July 2nd. We have a hefty reward out, so we've had a ton of almost matches, but nothing yet. We still search the old neighborhood daily, she just vanished. She's 4 years old, almost completely black with a small white patch on her chest and a little bump on her nose. She should be in the Slant Streets/Franklin to the Fort area. We are so sad to have lost her, thank you to every single one of you who have sent us a lead, it's means a lot.

If you find either pet, please hit us up at 728-9300, or email me

Eleven the Kitty
Eleven the Kitty

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