Every town has its local haunting legends. Back when I lived in New York, the house down the street from us was abandoned for years - but every once in a while, you would see a red tricycle in the front yard. Sometimes it was there, sometimes it wasn't. There was probably a decent explanation for it, but it always creeped us out when we were kids and we were convinced the place was haunted.

Missoulian posted this article not too long ago detailing some of the supposedly haunted areas in Missoula. I just moved here about a year ago, so I actually wasn't aware of some of these legends. Some of the highlights include the UM Main Hall, the Daly Mansion, the Oxford Saloon, the Ravalli County Museum, and even Hellgate High School.

So my question is - what's the most haunted building in Missoula? Is it one of the above, or is there somewhere else that's even spookier?


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