What was the Last Concert You Went to Before the Pandemic?
'Member long long long long long time ago when we used to gather and purposely sweat on each other and sing so loud that our saliva would get on each other? We might even hold hands or swap spit with a stranger or share a $13 beer from the same cup, with multiple people.
Dozens of times this year, rather than focusing on the concert I was currently missing, I would focus on the memories of the last two concerts. THE last two concerts. The ones I hold lovingly in my mind, the two I will never regret attending. On Sunday, February 23rd of this year, my crew joined our 5000 fave Missoulians for Korn and Breaking Benjamin at the Adams Center. It was already a special night as Missoula hadn't been to the Adams Center for a show in a while, little did we know it would be The Last Show. A good one to prematurely end the year with though, as we were there with new friends, and met up with dozens of old friends.
Second to last was just 2 weeks before Korn, Dr. Dog at The Wilma on Wednesday, February 12th. A more low key show, just me and Oliver rather than a big group, running into friends and enjoying enough room to dance and sing along. Perfect kind of show for a school night.
Shows we missed this year? Ugh, you probably have a long list too. Green Day, Weezer, Vampire Weekend, Foo Fighters 25th anniversary, Primus, Ministry, Lumineers, Ice Cube, way too many to even recall. We almost saw Vampire Weekend right here in our own home venue, that is so hurtful. Just means we have a LOT to look forward to when concerts return and America is somewhat normal again.
What was the last show you saw in The Before Time?
80s Missoula Concert Ticket Stubs
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