Wear Your Life Preserver to Work Day
For those of you who feel like you're drowning in a sea of stress on the job all day, this might be perfect for you!
While most Montana waters are open to fishing year-round, we do have an official opening day of fishing, which is May 18 this year. But this awareness campaign does not just apply to fishing enthusiasts. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will join boating and outdoor enthusiasts to heighten awareness of different life jacket styles and demonstrate their comfort and versatility by wearing them to work.
Friday, May 17 is Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day. Did you even know there was such a thing? The event is hosted by the National Safe Boating Council leading into Safe Boating Week May 18-24. They ask that participants take photos of themselves and post those to the "Ready, set, wear it" Facebook page.
So, as summer approaches, a fun way to get a point across about a very serious matter. The U.S. Coast Guard that nearly 85 percent of drowning victims recreational boating mishaps were not wearing life jackets.
Here's to a safe and happy summer to you all!
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