Tubers Find Trouble When They Realize River isn’t a Waterpark
It is a summertime tradition for many people Here in Montana. I'm talking about the coolest way to cool off, floating the river. If you have never squeezed your booty into a rubber tube and tried it, you haven't lived. But, it does come with certain dangers. I can count, on both hands, how many times I have fallen into the river, not knowing if I was going to resurface. It is a risk you have to take when it comes to staying cool and having fun. (NOTE: most of those times were spent trying to fish my sunglasses out of the water.)
Some tubers in Michigan obviously did not read the beginners' guide to tubing. 3 women were rescued after they discovered the river did not flow in a circle. Much like a "lazy river ride" does at the water park.
According to MLive.com
A trio of young women were rescued 20 hours later after a fisherman eventually heard their cries, said Muskegon Township Deputy Fire Chief Bob Grabinski.
The women, all in their 20s, had never been tubing before and decided it would be a fun thing to do, Grabinski said.
"They were informed by somebody at the bridge that the river goes in a circle and if they put in there they would come back to their car," he said. "Not knowing anything, they set off on their little adventure."
After putting in at around 4 pm, the floaters eventually became concerned when it was starting to get dark and their cars were nowhere to be seen. They got up on shore and decided to spend the night. After screaming for help all night and through the morning, a fisherman finally heard their cries around noon the following day. Outside of some bug bites and scratches, the girls were fine. But, I guarantee you it is the last time they go tubing.
If you are new to floating rivers here in Montana, we recommend you plan your float before launching. Know where you plan to get out and how to get back to your vehicles. Possibly consider taking one of the shuttles offered here in Missoula.
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