Shopping Cart Disinfecting Machine Created by Missoula Company
I don't know about you but I've started to be a little more conscience about the cleanliness of my shopping cart or basket as I'm heading into the grocery store. I never paid it much attention before we found ourselves in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. I'll admit it - I have a bottle of Clorox wipes in my car and I grab one before I go into the store so I can wipe the handles down. I know most stores are disinfecting carts, but it just feels better when you do it yourself and know how well it was done.
A Missoula company called Kart Kleen has developed a machine that sanitizes shopping carts. Think of it as sort of a car wash contraption that you put the carts through. I haven't seen this machine anywhere, they've been vague about what store it's being tested at here in Missoula. But, from the video, it looks like Costco is where you'll find it. Could this be something we'll start seeing in every grocery store or business with carts?
I don't know all the company secrets of exactly how the cleaning machine works. Kart Kleen's website says they use "appropriate combinations of sanitation solutions and UV irradiation to destroy the physical structure of DNA/RNA genomes of bacteria, viruses, and molds that are present on objects and surfaces we encounter during our daily routines."
Will Kart Kleen machines, or other like it, become a regular sight at stores that rely on carts for customers? I know that having kids makes me cringe when I think about all the germs from the unknown amount of people that have used the cart before us. If this machine provides quality disinfecting of a cart before I use it - I'm all in!