Pirnie’s Ponies to be Sold to Benefit A Carousel for Missoula
A Carousel for Missoula is hosting a one-of-a-kind fundraiser at the Carousel, on Sunday, May 6, from 4 to 7pm. Larry Pirnie, a western artist from Missoula, has generously donated 15 framed, original paintings. Each painting will be sold for $1200 during the event. All proceeds will support the Carousel and Dragon Hollow Playarea.
Larry and his wife, Irene, adopted one of our horses, Paint, early on and have been involved and supportive every step of the way.
Now, Larry and Irene have come up with an amazing plan to support the Carousel financially in a major way, while offering the public a chance to acquire a framed Pirnie original at a very affordable price. Larry has taken a single image of a horse and has painted both the horse and the background in various ways to make completely different paintings.
For approximately one week before the May 6 event, these fifteen paintings will be on display at the Carousel. Interested parties may indicate their willingness to purchase any one of the paintings by submitting a slip of paper with contact information prior to or during the event.
Viewing will continue until 6:15pm on May 6. At that time, they will begin drawing names. The first name chosen will have the right to accept or refuse the associated painting; names will be drawn until the painting has found a home, and drawing will move on to the next painting. This will allow more people to purchase paintings and will ensure no one will need to come up with the money to buy more than they can afford, no matter how much they may want to.
Family-friendly food and beverages will be served from 4 to 5:30, and adult beverages will be available after the Carousel closes at 5:30. The Carousel is seeking sponsors to help with the costs of marketing and refreshments. Please call Theresa at 549-8382 for more information.
The board, staff and volunteers of A Carousel for Missoula are incredibly grateful to the Pirnies for this amazing display of support and for everything they have done for us throughout the years.
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