Offended Missoulians Walk Out of Sold Out Cowboy Junkies Concert
Canadian alternative band Cowboy Junkies played a sold out show on Sunday, July 9th at the Top Hat. However, some Missoulians are no longer fans of the band after some comments deemed offensive were made by lead vocalist Margo Timmons.
One Missoulian says she walked out of the show in shock:
I just walked out in the middle of the Cowboy Junkies' second set at the Top Hat. Margo Timmons was introducing "To Love Is to Bury." She told how it was inspired by driving through Montana and thinking of how "the settlers" traveled, hopeful and exhausted, and then came over a ridge or mountain and decided, ""This is it. So they stopped and built their houses. And then they were slaughtered by Indians." Then she threw back her head and cackled. I was dumbfounded. Did she really just say that? I looked around to see if anyone else was bothered by it, but they were all laughing and cheering along with her. I felt sick.
Another former fan who was present at the Missoula show posted the following on the Cowboy Junkies Facebook page:
Please don't come back to Montana when you make remarks/statements about how all the settlers were slaughtered by Indians. Read your damn history about the genocide of hundreds of different tribes extinction, leading to your big home on your spread. An apology is in order from you. Wit has always been preferable, not an attack on Native Americans.
The band has not issued an apology, but did post a photo of an alleged dumpster fire that they say happened outside the Top Hat following the show. The comments made by Margo Timmons on stage and the fire do not appear to be related.