My Cousin is Visiting Montana for the First Time, What Must He See?
Ancestry strikes again. At least when random relatives find me through the service, it's always good news. The latest find is a wonderful family in Idaho that we've never met before, and the son in his 20s, my cousin, is exploring Montana for the first time. There are all the touristy things we'll show him, but what do YOU think he should see while he's here?
Jace is the dude's name, super chill, creative dude, fits right into the Missoula vibe. He's specifically looking to visit the Flathead reservation and learn more about his Salish heritage. It's not exactly Native, but we'll send him up to the Garden of One Thousand Buddhas for sure. And though it has a horrific history, he should also see the St. Ignatius Mission and learn what happened there. He's got three weeks, where else would you send him to learn more about Western Montana?
I'm excited that he will have an opportunity to visit with our Uncle Victor to talk about writing and poetry. Any time someone learns my maiden name, first thing they ask is "are you related to Victor?" I'm very proud to say I am.
Let's see, what else? The Bison Range, Three Chiefs Culture Center (formerly The People's Center), Flathead Lake. I wish the annual Arlee powwow celebration was happening during Jace's visit. He wasn't here at the time anyway, but it was limited to one day on the 4th of July this year.
If you have suggestions, let me know in the comments or message me on our app, thanks in advance for your thoughts!
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