Meet the Mules on the University of Montana Campus Tuesday
Now, there would be a tough invitation to find at your favorite greeting card store.
Luckily you have us to extend the invite on behalf of the University of Montana. And like a good institute of higher learning should do, they have tied an educational opportunity to the event.
UM News Services has let us know that a pack train of mules will amble onto the Oval at the University of Montana at noon Tuesday, March 23. Its mission: raise awareness of summer course offerings as part of the UM Summer Kick-Off.
The Meet the Mules event is a first for UM. It will run for an hour, and the public is welcome to attend. You will be meeting the U.S. Forest Service Northern Region Pack Train. Based at the Ninemile Ranger Station outside Missoula, the mules represent the Forest Service in Montana, Idaho and North Dakota through education, community service and work projects. Led by pack train manager Casey Burns, 10 head of stock will circle the Oval and stop for a brief packing demonstration in front of Main Hall.
The event supports the mission of the UM Summer Office by raising the visibility of University summer programming and course offerings. Among other classes this summer, students can learn about “Wilderness Policy and Packing” (May 18-June 4) and go on a five-day “Wilderness Pack Trip” (June 28-July 3) into the Bob Marshall Wilderness with Dr. Eva-Maria Maggi.
The event has been approved by the Missoula County Health Department. Masks are required on UM’s campus, as well as maintaining a six-foot distance.
To learn more about the Meet the Mules event event and others mentioned above, you can visit the UM Summer website.
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