Iconic Orange Hi-C Returning to Missoula McDonald’s
Fans of McDonald's Hi-C Orange Lavaburst on tap are rejoicing, as the restaurant has announced they are bringing it back by, literal, popular demand. Sometimes companies will use the phrase "by popular demand" and not actually mean it. For Micky D's, they mean it, they've been bombarded with requests for the past 3 years, as you can see in their tweet below, asking for the emails to stop. For those who are fans of the original Hi-C, the Fanta served here in Montana just doesn't hit the same with a Quarter Pounder.
Select McDonald's locations will bring Orange Hi-C back this month, with all of the restaurants serving it by June, including Montana stores. You can actually keep track of where and when it's available by typing your zip code into the "McFinder" starting on February 15th.
You may know that you can just buy Hi-C Orange Lavaburst drink in stores, it typically comes in those little juice boxes that parents put in their kids' sack lunches. But once again, it doesn't hit the same as sipping the non-carbonated drink through a .28 inch diameter Micky D's straw. I think that was the downfall of offering Fanta in it's place, Fanta is fine, but it's carbonated. Most McDonald's replaced their Lavaburst with Sprite Tropic Berry, so at least we have an orange option in Montana, but I think a LOT of people are stoked for the return of Lavaburst. By the way, the diameter of a standard straw is .21 inches. Congrats fans, you did it! Now let's get McDonald's to bring back those delectable little vanilla animal cookies.
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