Zoo Town Surfers Highlight the Importance of Water Safety
We're jonesing for the days when nicer weather hits Missoula and decides to finally stick around for a while. We were teased by the sun again as we started the week with some pretty amazing weather. And it felt like everybody got outside and took advantage of the day on Monday as temps were in the low 70s. I saw more bikers than normal, the neighborhood was hopping with kids about ten minutes after the school bus dropped them off, and the sound of neighbor's lawn mowers filled the house as it was a windows open kind of day.
Surf's up in Missoula
It shouldn't be too surprising that the nice weather also made for a good day of surfing on Brennan's Wave in Missoula. If you're not familiar, the Destination Missoula website says:
Brennan's Wave was constructed in memory of a world class kayaker from Missoula who died while paddling in Chile in 2001. Brennan's Wave brings great surfing into the city limits. On any given summer evening you can stop to watch kayakers, surfers and paddle boarders playing on the wave and even attempting tricks.
Get wise before you get wet
With summer weather headed our way, the folks at Zoo Town Surfers posted a few reminders about being safe on the water. Think about how many kids and beginners hop on the river without thinking about the possible risks. As you can see in the Instagram post below, Zoo Town Surfers provide some suggestions for staying safe while having fun on the water. They include enrolling in training, private lessons, and safety courses.
If you scroll through the pictures in the above post, Zoo Town Surfers offers up the following thoughts with a little Surf Safety 101:
Be aware of foot entrapments
- Don't stand or walk in water that is higher than knee level.
Be aware of your personal abilities
- Swimming is hard work!
- Wear proper attire
- Be mindful of your energy level
- Your gear is your responsibility. Keep your board at a safe distance from others.

It only takes a brief moment for time on the water to turn tragic. Make sure you're prepared for the worst. If you want to learn more about safety services provided by Zoo Town Surfers, visit them online HERE.
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