Brave (Or Crazy) Woman Catches 5-Foot Snake in Her Home
This woman isn't going to let one stinkin' snake take over her house.
The best thing about SunShine McCurry is no longer her name after she starred in this video in which she catches a snake in her home and then disposes of it.
McCurry, of Forest City, N.C., is more shocked than terrified as she matter-of-factly goes about the business of apprehending the roughly five-foot-long intruder with a pillowcase and then relocating it to a creek by her home, all while providing stellar play-by-play commentary in that charming Southern drawl of hers. Seriously, this combination of accent while dealing with the animal kingdom seems like the formula for some sort of reality show.
The video (note some NSFW language) has been making the rounds, which has caught McCurry by surprise. So, the snake she can roll with the punches, but going viral throws her off her game. Go figure.
"Don't know if they were impressed because I was a girl catching it, or a girl catching it in my house," McCurry told WBTV.
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