What American Legion Baseball Looks Like in Montana During COVID-19
Have you ever lived a summer in your life EVER when there was no baseball!? Even if you're not a hard core ball fan and don't even have a favorite national team, I think every Montanan loves to get out and enjoy some sort of ballgame when the weather is nice. It's so weird not to have Paddleheads baseball going on locally, and have no ballgames on TV. Although MLB is supposed to start up again on July 23rd for 60 regular season games, with some pretty insane COVID-19 rules, can't wait to see how fans react.
Though the season was delayed due to the pandemic, American Legion Baseball is actually going strong around Montana, limiting their audience to adhere to the current COVID-19 Phase 2 rules. It's baseball like you've never seen it, players in face masks, sitting 6 feet apart in the dugout. No spitting, no ass slapping, tons of hand sanitizer. If you haven't witnessed a game yet, below are some photos of what summer baseball looks like in 2020.
American Legion Baseball During the COVID-19 Pandemic
KEEP READING: See how sports around the world have been impacted by the coronavirus
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