Watch ‘Captain Marvel’ on the Washington-Grizzly JumboTron
Now THIS is a cool way to watch a movie.
If you're a Griz fan (which, if you live in Missoula, chances are good that you are), then you might want to check out the annual Great Griz Encounter. It's a cool preseason pep rally that features a full night of activity for the fans. And, for the second year in a row, they're combining the event with a family movie night, where people can bring their blankets and lawn chairs to the field to watch a movie on the JumboTron at Washington-Grizzly Stadium.
So you'll get to meet the football and volleyball teams, get them to sign your posters, let the kids run wild in the bouncy house, and participate in a bunch of other activities, and then end the night with by watching Captain Marvel on the biggest screen in town. Not a bad night!
The event is happening on August 23rd - doors open at 5:00 and the movie starts at 7:30. For more info, you can check out their Facebook event page right here.
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