Watch Bobcat Stadium Transform for Imagine Dragons
The very sold out Imagine Dragons show hits Bozeman this Thursday (July 26th) and crews have already been setting up for 5 days. Typically, a bigger show takes about 2 days to set up, this show requires 7 days of preparation. So if you're holding tickets, be prepared to have your mind blown.
If this will be a first concert for your kids, they will have some pretty high expectations for shows moving forward. Check out the video that Live Nation released of the work in progress. According to the promoter, the floor tickets that were released and sold out today, means a record number of people will be at Bobcat Stadium for Imagine Dragons, approximately 20,000.
If you haven't seen the Imagine Dragons documentary "Believer" yet, holy smokes, be prepared to sob and love the band more than you already do. It premiered on HBO at the end of June, I've watched it three times since. It's extremely powerful.
Thursday will be rad, safe travels, see you there!