Wow what a fun parade it was this weekend and what amazing photos Melanie Dekkers snapped while joining the radio crew in the good time. Check these out, you may find yourself, family member or your kid in a photo.

It is just a great atmosphere and these photos really capture the goofiness of the Townsquare radio group. laughing and candy are the two mandatory things for homecoming. Lots of floats/parade entries and lots of people. We didn't run out of candy this year either!

Melanie is in a vigorous photo class this week, we wish her luck but as you see she has a knack for photos! Melanie no longer is a full time resident here but she does come back to visit. So if you need info or a good photo taken I can get you in contact with her! Thank you Melanie for missing most of the other floats to walk in ours and take pictures of the community.




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