Tester on MSNBC – Don’t Run from Trump – ‘Punch Him in the Face’
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe with hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough on Thursday, the guest was Montana’s Senior Senator Jon Tester.
Brzezinski criticized Montana’s Junior Senator Steve Daines for not calling President Trump a racist after the chant that broke out during his rally in North Carolina.
“What should your Republican counterpart be saying today about Trump’s rally and the chant ‘send her back’, and his incitement of hatred toward Congresswoman Omar?” she asked. “Well, not only the junior Senator from Montana but every senator, Democrats and Republicans alike, and we haven’t heard much from Republicans being critical of the President on these remarks, but you’ve got to call it for what it is, it’s racism.”
Scarborough asked Tester what advice he might have to other senators from red states who voted for Trump, on how to defeat him.
“Even in states where Donald Trump won big that it does you any good to run away from Donald Trump, I think you need to go back and punch him in the face,” he said. “The truth is, this guy is bad for this country. We’re running trillion dollar deficits, and quite frankly all of our allies we’ve distanced ourselves from, he’s wrapped his arms around the despots of the world. I don’t get it myself, but the bottom line is, we need a candidate that can beat him in 2020 and I think we’ll end up with one.”
For his part, Senator Daines stood behind the President after the rally in comments made on Tuesday.
“I stand firmly with President Trump,” he said. “He was right in pointing out the hypocrisy coming from the radical left who are routinely spitting out anti-American rhetoric. It’s anti-Semitic, anti-American and sometimes even pro-terrorist. It’s socialism, and I stand with President Trump, he’s fighting for our country, our values and our freedom.”
A spokesperson for Senator Daines said ‘The Senator doesn’t agree with the chant and believes it was wrong.’
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