Missoulians have been going on a credit card spending spree in 2021 according to the financial website Wallet Hub, and the result is that Missoula has the fifth least sustainable credit card debt in the U.S.
As a state with a large number of men and women over 65, the financial website Wallet Hub says Montana comes in next to last in the entire country when it comes to protecting our elderly population from abuse.
The financial website Wallet Hub released a study on Monday about the states with the biggest problems with bullying, and Montana was rated overall as the 7th worst state in the U.S., and worst when it comes to state laws against cyberbullying.
The financial website Wallet Hub, as of this week, has placed Montana in the bottom 10 ranking of the safest states in the U.S. during the COVID pandemic, meaning 40 states are safer to live in Montana during the pandemic, and that Montana has the second highest rate of COVID hospitalizations.
For the first quarter of 2020, American consumers were paying down their credit cards at a record level, but then the world turned upside down due to COVID 19 and the looming credit card debt could be disastrous for American consumers.