Here Are All the ‘Rick and Morty’ ‘Mind Blowers’ That Got Cut for Time
Sunday’s ante-penultimate Rick and Morty ran wild with “Mind Blower” visions of unwanted memories, riffing on “Interdimensional Cable” with as many writer pitches as possible. See what they didn’t get around to in a look behind-the-scenes, including “Evil Ewoks,” parakeets and more!
For those unfamiliar with either format, the two “Interdimensional Cable” episodes offer tongue-in-cheek opportunity for Rick and Morty writers to pitch their weirdest ideas as brief glimpses of TV from another reality; essentially bits that wouldn’t fit any other episode. Sunday’s “Morty’s Mind Blowers” explicitly identified itself as a loose alternative to more “Interdimensional Cable,” and similarly featured writers tossing out unused ideas in rapid succession.
As you can imagine, quite a few concepts were left on the drawing board, as the Rick and Morty Twitter account shared:
From what we can see, a few kernels like “reverse torture,” “Taun-Tauns” and “talking to animals” made it into the memories, where others like “Jerry & E.T.” won out over another Jerry pitch that involved his reanimated father. One idea would have revisited Season 2’s “Look Who’s Purging Now,” while a “Rick eat chicken nuggets” pitch could conceivably have reprised the premiere’s Mulan sauce gag.
Only two episodes remain in Season 3, but will “Morty’s Mind Blowers” become the new “Interdimensional Cable” going forward? What other insane pitches might finally see the light of day?
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