Project Community Connect Offers Help with Justice Issues
The 14th annual Project Community Connect being held on Friday at the Valentine Center on Latimer Street will offer a variety of resources and help for the homeless and those facing homelessness, including help navigating through the justice system.
Deputy County Attorney Megan Hanson said both city and county legal help will be at the event to assist anyone who may believe they may be facing legal or criminal issues.
“We’re actually going to have both Justice Court and Municipal Court there,” said Hanson. “Justice of the Peace Landee Holloway will be there for us and another representative will be there for Municipal Court. They’ll be there to handle and quash warrants for those who maybe missed their last hearing date and might be nervous about going back in or just weren’t able to make it in.”
Hanson said those who will be attending can call ahead to 396-3188 to get details about any outstanding issues that may be facing, and then come to Project Community Connect and get those issues dealt with. They definitely want the encounter to be totally non-threatening and helpful.
“We don’t want people to be afraid to come and address these issues,” she said. “The whole thing is about helping, so we’ll be there to help them get these things off their backs. They can come in and we can work something out. Oftentimes what are remaining are outstanding fines, and when you’re homeless it’s difficult to pay fines. We can perhaps work out some community service. Justice Holloway is great about working out payment plans for those who are worried that they’re just not going to be able to pay the restitution that they owe.”
Project Community Connect is Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Valentine Center on Latimer Street.
Those with potential legal issues may call 396-3188 on Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
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