Pop-Up Museum in Missoula to Feature Outdoor Gear
I had the pleasure of meeting Rachel Goss this week as she was a guest on my Alt 101.5 morning show. Rachel is a historian of outdoor gear and teacher at the Davidson Honors College of the University of Montana and she is inviting you to a pop-up museum which will feature outdoor gear.
Have you saved old gear in your garage or attic enough though you don't use it anymore, because you love it? Does your family have an old jacket they've passed down to you? This exhibit is your opportunity to share those personal stories.
Join Rachel and other outdoors enthusiasts at Imagine Nation Brewing on Saturday, December 9th from 4 to 8 p.m. A Pop-Up Museum is a participatory community event where you share personal objects, based on the theme, to spark conversation with others. In other words, it is a temporary show created by you. Get more info on the Imagine Nation Brewing event at the official Facebook event page.
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