National Voter Registration Day Events Planned Across Montana
Tuesday September 20th is National Voter Registration Day and there are events planned throughout Montana to encourage voter registration put on by the Forward Montana Foundation. There are events in Missoula, Billings, Bozeman and Kalispell. As Montana gets ready for the mid-term elections there is a new pool of potential voters that will need to register. With more and more people moving to Montana, tomorrow is a good reminder that they will need to make sure they are registered too.
In Missoula there will be live music featuring the Pettifoggers at Pearl Boba downtown at 420 North Higgins from 7p-9p. In Billings there will be live music at the Thirsty Street Taproom at 3008 1st Ave. North featuring Ellie Hainsworth, Charlie Smillie and more from 5p-8p. The Kalispell event will be held at Bias Brewing at 409 1st Av. East featuring Colton C from 5p-8p.
According to The Forward Montana Foundation website, their goal is to educate, engage, and organize young Montanans to register to vote. If you would like to register to vote you can go to their website and get registered. If you would like to volunteer to get the word out and help register people to vote you can sign up on the website to volunteer. If you would like to help out with the events tomorrow you can get the full list of all the locations and the events here. With tomorrow being National Voter Registration day it is also a good reminder to make sure that your voting status is up to date. If you have moved and have a new address your polling places might have changed. Tomorrow could be considered one of the most important "Civic Holidays" we have. So do your duty, get out and vote and let your voice be heard.
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