Missoula’s Zootown All Stars Advance to the Little League World Series
Big congrats to Missoula's senior league Zootown All Stars baseball team on advancing to this year's Little League World Series and claiming the Western Regional title!
The All Stars are players 16 years old and under and they dominated the Western Regionals, where they played teams from Oregon, Washington, California, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming and Hawaii. This weekend, the Zootown All Stars travel to Delaware to represent the western states in the World Series tourney where they will compete against teams from all over the country and the world.
Flights and hotel have been covered for the team, however, these young Missoulians are in need of some last minute sponsors to help cover their food, checked luggage and ground transportation in Delaware. If you or your business would like to help this amazing team so they can concentrate on winning, please see their Go Fund Me page or reach out to Garden City Softball at 1550 South Avenue West.
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