Last Chance For Roller Derby Madness in Western Montana
This weekend before Halloween there is a lot happening all over Western Montana with all the parties, dances, zombies, and ghouls.! This will be your last chance to see roller derby action from the Hellgate Roller Derby for the rest of the year. They are going to make it worth your while.
Roller derby action has been shut down here in Western Montana for the past three years. Covid had a way of affecting every event including roller derby. But they are back and you are invited. It will be held at the Ravalli County Fairgrounds with the action starting at 1pm. There will be three fun and fast bouts starting with the Juniors Light Contact: Devils vs. Angels. Followed by the Juniors Full Contact: Ghosts vs. Ghouls and then at 4:30pm will be the main event. Hellgate Roller Derby Mixer: Mummies vs. Zombies.

There will be food and drink available for the last bout of the day. Costumes are encouraged and you will get a discount on tickets. Tickets are $15 at the door and can get you into all three bouts.
Since this will be the last chance you will be able to see roller derby action for the rest of the year, I highly recommend helping to support this fast and furious sport that is trying to come "Back From The Dead" after being on the sidelines for the past three years.