MMIWG is Missing and/or Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls. FACT: Native American women are more than twice as likely to experience violence than any other demographic. FACT: One in three Native women is sexually assaulted during her life, and 67% of these assaults are perpetrated by non-Natives.

On Tuesday, June 16th, the public is welcome to join Native American families for an Awareness Walk to honor Jermain Charlo Morigeau, and all missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. The walk will begin at Sacajawea Park at 7 p.m., move toward Broadway, where Jermain was last seen near the Badlander bar on June 15th of 2018, then back to Sacajawea Park. PLEASE wear a face mask, organizers will have some available if you show up without one. You are also welcome to wear your ribbon skirts and bring appropriate signs to honor these women. Sacajawea Park is at South 6th and Orange Streets, near Food Farm.

If you're not aware of this ever growing epidemic, I encourage you to watch this short film, it will break your heart. We cannot allow the murder and abuse of Indian women to continue to be the norm in this country. Please join us to honor and remember our mothers, aunties, sisters, daughters, cousins and friends who have been beaten, raped, kidnapped, tortured and murdered. If we can't bring them justice, the very least we can do is remember them.

Jermain Poster

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