I have to begin this article by stating that I hate toilet humor. Bathroom humor makes me cringe and it's not funny, so don't be tossing any gross jokes my way.

There is a peculiar trend in Montana regarding bathrooms and toilets. Or so it seems.

What's up with Montana toilets?

A picture of two toilets in Butte, Montana (allegedly) was posted to the Montana Subreddit page. Oh, and there's no divider in between.


Even for Butte this is odd.
byu/DontBeADumbassPlease inMontana

I got a kick out of the post titled "Even for Butte this is odd." I got a bigger kick out of the top comment saying "wtf are you talking about? This is the most Butte thing ever."

The conversation about dueling toilets got me thinking there are some really strange toilet situations in Montana. Have you ever seen the setup in the Mo Club's men's bathroom? The toilet is out in the open for everyone to see the business you got going on.

Have you ever been in the men's bathroom at the Union Club? Same thing. No door in front of you so you're going to the bathroom with an audience. That's not even mentioning the trough we all use at the Union, too.

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My buddy KC from 96.3 The Blaze mentioned The Wilma Theater used to have dueling toilets backstage as well.


Personally, I want to see a photo of the "dueling toilets" that were displayed in the old backstage area... I would crack up at how fascinated bands were with the toilets awkwardly placed in an open room." - KC writing about Wilma's 100th birthday in 2021


Somebody fill me in on why there are so many strange toilet situations going on here.

The Pros and Cons of Living in Montana

Sometimes a place's strengths are the same as its weaknesses.