How to Drop Off Your Ballot Today in Missoula
From school boards to mayor's offices it is Election Day across the country. If your ballot is currently sitting on the kitchen counter riddled in coffee drips, you still have time to get it to the Elections Office.
Where Do I Go?
Ballots were mailed out on October 13th and are due back today, Tuesday, November 2nd, by 8 p.m. So you cannot put them in the mail today, a postmark of today's date does not count for having them in on time. Drop off is very simple, though, you don't even have to get out of your car. Just go through the drop-off line at the Elections Office, at 140 North Russell Street, it's right across from Home Resource and just south of Pink Grizzly. There's an entrance to the parking lot on Russell and Wyoming, so it should be a fairly quick and easy stop, just be sure to get there by 8 p.m.
What Are We Voting On?
This general election is for Missoula mayor, city Council wards 1 through 6, municipal judge districts 1, 2 and 3, and two countywide marijuana tax ballot issues. Registered voters who live outside of Missoula city limits will only have the marijuana tax issues on their ballot. You can learn more about the marijuana tax here. Recreational sales in Montana are supposed to go into effect on January 1st of 2022, hopefully the state can get their crap together by then.
Be Sure Your Ballot Was Received
At my house, we completed and mailed our ballots in the same week we received them in the mail, but were informed over the weekend that we are on the "didn't vote" list. We even brought our ballots to the post office to be mailed, so I'm not quite sure what happened. But with that said, you may want to check the status of your ballot here.
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