How to Double Check that You’re Registered to Vote in Missoula
Voter misinformation is being shared more than ever before. No matter how you plan to vote, you first need to be sure that you're eligible to vote in Missoula. It would be shame if you thought you'd be exercising your right to vote in November, only to find out that you were not eligible. The following is current, accurate info from the Missoula County Elections Office:
Missoula County will hold an all-mail election. Polling places will not be open on Election Day. All active registered voters will receive a ballot once they’re mailed Friday, Oct. 9. Ballots are due back to the Elections Office by 8 p.m. Nov. 3. Postmarks are not sufficient. Return postage is paid.
Remember, you must be registered to vote at your current address. We moved over the summer and changing our address was a bit of a drama as we had arranged to have our mail forwarded, but decided not to move to the place we had originally reported. So we had have our mail forwarded to a different address, meaning, the post office had 3 addresses for the 2 voters in our household. Our local staff over at the Kent Street location were amazing in helping us find our mail. However, the post office is not the way to go if you're double checking the address that is listed for your absentee voter ballot. Simply click here to find out within seconds. You can also find out the status of your mailed ballot and see a sample ballot for the November 3rd election.
If you have any questions at all, email the Missoula Elections Office here, electioninfo@missoulacounty.us
They are another group of very helpful folks. I had to go down there to change my voter address and it took less than 60 seconds.
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