Hellgate Roller Derby Now Accepting New Skaters
We've all been to a roller derby bout and thought, damn, that looks fun! But it really does take some special skills to join derby, if you've been thinking about it, here's your chance.
The 4th annual Hellgate Roller Derby Boot Camp will begin on January 17th with an orientation, followed by an 8 week training for new and beginner level skaters. Practice will be held Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Sovereign Hope Gym (1919 North Avenue West) and adults of all ages are encouraged to attend.
The fee for the Boot Camp is $80 plus the cost of gear. If you can borrow or rent gear, that may be the way to go before you invest in brand new skates and pads. Space is limited so sign up as soon as you can. For more information you can email hellgateRD@gmail.com