Friday will be the 14th time that the Hamilton community is staging a "Take Back The Night" demonstration and gathering. The annual rally is part of a worldwide stand against sexual assault, gender inequality and gender stereotypes. Organized by the Ravalli County Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, the hour-long demonstration along US 93 will be at the corner of Hamilton's First Street and Marcus on April 12 at 5 p.m.

Over the years, the rallies have been held at Legion Park, by the Bitterroot River and City Hall. Sonya Bitterman of SAFE said that this year's theme is "I Ask" with the goal of putting consent into practice, to change social norms that allow sexual assault to exist and to communicate that prevention is everyone's responsibility. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, a sexual assault occurs every 98 seconds in the United States.

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