Grasmick Produce Giving Away Free Food Boxes in Missoula
UDPATE 6/2 1 p.m.
Food boxes went quickly, they will be available again on Monday, June 8th at 10 a.m.
You've heard about the horrible effect that COVID-19 has had on ranchers and farmers around the world, resulting in produce getting dumped and animals being euthanized as the chain of demand crumbles.
In response, Missoula's Boys & Girls Club has teamed up with Grasmick Produce to provide 25 pound boxes of fresh food to the Missoula community at no cost. Grasmick Produce is based in Idaho and has transported boxes of fresh produce, dairy, and meat to Montana, for families in need. When I first heard about this, I thought it was wonderful, but when I heard the boxes contain meat and dairy, my heart was bursting for the families who will be receiving these. Some great news during a somber time in America.
Missoula won't be the only recipients, Grasmick is delivering to ALL of the Boys & Girls Clubs across the state of Montana in an effort to get these commodities out to families in need, and simultaneously reduce waste. Grasmick Produce is handling all of the sourcing and packing of the items, making it an incredibly easy process for individuals to truly ‘grab-n-go’ at the Club. How amazing is that!?
“We are so grateful to be a part of this process of getting fresh, healthy food into the hands of our community members,” shared Katie Moore, Boys & Girls Club of Missoula County CEO. “Saying that these times are challenging for many of our families is a gross understatement and we will continue to do everything we can to support them now and in the future. We are so thankful to Grasmick Produce for their commitment to this program and our Missoula community.”
There are two types of boxes available, each one totaling 25 pounds. The produce boxes include potatoes, onions, apples, oranges, sweet potatoes, stonefruit, romaine heart, spring mix, bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, and strawberries. The combination boxes contain ham, chicken, milk, butter, cheese, broccoli, carrots, spinach, onions, apples, spring mix, and potatoes. (Fun Fact, if you don't already know, stonefruits are fruits with a pit, like cherries, peaches and plums.)
Boxes are free to anyone, but the Boys & Girls Club is asking that folks limit themselves to one box per week to make sure everyone in our community in need of this service can get food for their families. Boxes can be picked up at the City Life Building (1515 Fairview Ave) on the first floor in the café anytime between 9:30 am. and 5:30 p.m. Please tell anybody who you think could benefit from this, and if you have been thinking that you're near the time that you may need to visit the Missoula Food Bank (thinking about those of you who still haven't received any unemployment payments and have never visited), here are their updated hours and info for pick up.
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