Gas Prices Stay Stubbornly High in Montana, But Should Fall Soon
Despite cheaper winter gasoline going to the pumps last week, gas prices in Montana have barely dropped compared to the national average.
"Though prices remain stubbornly high, they really haven't started to come back down a whole lot, at least in Montana," said GasBuddy petroleum analyst Patrick DeHaan. "Average prices in the state fell just five-tenths of a penny in the last week. $2.60 is the current statewide average, meanwhile the national average has fallen a nickle to $2.55 per gallon."
Though prices are stuck right now, Dehaan says all of the elements are there for a price plunge in Montana.
"With the exception of California, almost everyone is on that winter gasoline," Dehaan said. "That winter gasoline is a little bit cheaper to produce, so that should help gas prices to decline, not only that, but with the start of Fall, gasoline demand starts to decline, so that should help give a little bit more breathing room."
Dehaan, says he expects to see significant price decreases during the first few weeks of October.
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