Fall Out Boy Tease New Music With Claymation Video, Newspaper Ad + More
Fall Out Boy has launched a new website, sendingmylovefromtheotherside.com, and shared a clay animation video called "A Claymation Fall Out Boy Celebration." Near the end of the clip, part of what is assumed to be a new Fall Out Boy song can be heard. Watch it below.
On the site, fans can "RSVP" by entering their personal information for a mailing list. The site includes the claymation video that shows a pet dog interacting with aliens. Earlier this month, some Fall Out Boy fans also received cryptic postcards promoting the site sendingmylovefrompinkseashellbeach.com. (via NME)
Is Fall Out Boy's eighth album imminent? Last month, fans of the pop-punk band got a dose of excitement regarding that possibility when a mysterious newspaper advertisement for "FOB 8" appeared in the Nov. 28 print and digital editions of the Chicago Tribune.
The Tribune is one of Fall Out Boy's hometown papers. And it's already been four years since Fall Out Boy released M A N I A, their seventh studio effort from 2018. However, since that time, the group has issued another EP, a second greatest hits collection and more. Fall Out Boy formed in Wilmette, Illinois, a village suburb of Chicago, back in 2001.
The full-page Fall Out Boy newspaper ad was all black, with a stylized wordmark for "FOB 8" prominent above the fold. (The "O" in "FOB" is an artsy smiley face logo, with one side dark and one side light like a yin and yang symbol.) The only other discernible text is toward the bottom of the ad, where it says in a smaller font, If you build it, they will come.
"Straight from the heart of Chicago," Fall Out Boy fan @davidjude said alongside a photo of the ad on Twitter. "It's fuckin real, and it's fuckin coming," the fan added.
If you build it, they will come is a misquoted variation of an iconic movie line from 1989's Field of Dreams. In the film, the character Ray Kinsella (played by Kevin Costner) hears a disembodied voice in a cornfield say, "If you build it, he will come." Fall Out Boy frequently reference movies in their songs.
"A Claymation Fall Out Boy Celebration" - Dec. 25, 2022
Fall Out Boy Newspaper Ad in the Chicago Tribune - Nov. 28, 2022
Field of Dreams "If You Build It, He Will Come" Scene (1989)
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