9 Distinctive Things You’ll Find in Every Missoula Home
There are some things all homes have in common, but only certain items are uniquely involved in every Missoulian household. In Missoula, there’s a perfect mix of musicality, local pride, and the love for the outdoors. All of these aspects show through in what we choose to show off (or just plain own) in and around our houses. How many of these can you look around and find in your own home?
A Missoula record store sticker.
Maybe from Ear Candy or Rockin' Rudy's… probably both.
T-shirt from any variety of fun runs and 5ks.
You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone without at least one Riverbank Run shirt.
Something prepared by a taxidermist.
Plenty of hunters in MT, and plenty of taxidermists too!
Concert poster from a Missoula tour stop and/or concert stubs magneted to the refrigerator.
Whether from the KettleHouse, The Wilma, or any number of other venues.
Chainsaw-carved wooden bear statue.
Sounds silly, but genuinely so many people have one of these.
A sippy water cup from Community Hospital.
I’m using one of these right now, in all its glittering glory.
A very well-used snow shovel.
Montana winters can be rough…
Bottle Openers.
From our fantastic local breweries of course!
Griz Merch.
This may be an obvious one, but it’s certainly true! Probably a sweater, a baseball cap, and, of course, a high soaring flag.