Check Out This Hilarious Missoula Bumper Sticker
You can find a lot of great stuff just looking around on sites like Etsy. Tons of independent, local artists are on there, often putting out really cool, Missoula-specific works. Maybe you'll find some custom clothing or jewelry. Maybe you'll find a picture you can hang on the wall, or a refrigerator magnet or bottle opener.
And in this case, maybe you can find a great bumper sticker that pretty much perfectly encapsulates living in two of Montana's biggest cities.
Too broke for Bozeman, too ugly for Missoula
Boom! With eight words, both cities are roasted. You gotta love it.
Although, if you're too broke for Bozeman, chances are you're too broke for Missoula, too - cost of living in both cities has just been skyrocketing these last couple of years.
Nevertheless, this is a pretty perfect bumper sticker that I know a lot of Montanans will get a kick out of. If you want to buy one for yourself, you can check out the Etsy page from the artist Sidepart Stickers. One bumper sticker will cost you $7.50.
Have you found any cool, Montana-specific stuff from local artists on Etsy or any other site? You can always send us a picture through your free mobile app!

What do you think of the Bozeman/Missoula bumper sticker and do you think you would put it on your car?
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