Archery Tag Taking Place in Hamilton on Saturday
We have all seen videos online of Archery Tag, and it looks incredible. Well now you have the opportunity to play, although I am pretty sure no one knows what to expect. The Archery Tag event is set up for this coming Saturday, July 21st from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at 298 Blodgett View Drive in Hamilton.
According to their Facebook event page, this really fun event is being put on by Generation 4 Twelve, The Place, and Hart to Heart Ministries. Oh, I almost forgot the best part, the event is completely free! And you know the slogan, if it's free, it's for me.
The event is for all people ages 13+, and everyone is encouraged to join in on the fun. If you have any questions about the event on Saturday reach out to Jesse Haynie at 406-350-2360, also contact Jesse to reserve your spot to play. It's going to be a lot of fun on Saturday but remember to bring a good attitude as everyone there is just trying to have fun.
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