An Open Letter to Missoula’s Mystery Artist Snuffy
Before I begin, a little background. Snuffy is a mystery human who has captured the attention of Missoulians by chalking inspirational messages on Missoula walkways. I recently did an article on Snuffy, wondering who they might be, which the artist refers to in one of the latest messages. You can see in the photos below where they say "I am not a lady with a stroller."
Dear Snuffy,
You are a gem. A ray of sunshine in uncertain times. You single-handedly brought the community together with your fun and inspiring messages, providing us a much-needed distraction from a dark cloud that continues to linger in pandemic times.
Children on walks with caregivers would delight in finding a new message from Snuffy. Walkers, joggers, dog walkers, and bikers alike would stop in their tracks to bask in your latest words of wisdom. And you may not feel wise, you may feel like you were just doing your thing, but you are wise, you made us smile, and that, my friend, is no small accomplishment.
You gave us a mystery to solve, and a common subject to discuss with strangers. You took our minds and our conversations away from politics and frustration. Your simple acts of kindness were more appreciated than you will ever know. Even though your final message implies that you're taking a break, know that we aren't disappointed, we are better for having experienced your art, your heart, and your words.
Angel and all of your Missoula admirers
Missoula Wants to Know: Who Is Snuffy?
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