9th Annual Christmas Steamer At Draught Works Next Week
It's been a year of adjustment for a lot of people. So many of the events we were looking forward to in 2020 ended up being cancelled or delayed, and the ones that did get to go on tended to happen in a pretty different form. Just this past weekend in Missoula, the annual Parade of Lights became the "Reverse Parade of Lights," where cars full of paradegoers drove past the floats rather than the other way around.
So whenever we hear about a place in town that's working to put on an event, we know that it's probably a little bit harder to do so in 2020, and we appreciate it all the more. Next Friday, December 18th, Draught Works Brewery is holding their 9th Annual Christmas Steamer - so if you like the combo of beer and seafood, this is definitely one to check out.
Taste of Alaska Seafood and Burns St. Bistro will be on hand to add a bowl of fresh Pine Cove mussels to any purchase of a pint for just one extra dollar, and this year the servers will even bring everything straight to the table (rather than have people line up to get their meals).
Plus, they'll have the Tuba Santas there for a performance on the outdoor patio during the afternoon. Sounds like a fun time, right? This'll be happening from 1 PM to 8 PM on Friday, December 18th. If you want to check out more info, you can do that right here at their Facebook event page.