2020 Spin-a-thon for Youth Homes – How to Contribute & Safety Guidelines
We had a blast last year spinning out on Broadway with dozens of riders cheering each other on, and awesome local businesses coming by to support Youth Homes. We can't quite make it party this year, but we certainly do not want to let the kids down, so we're moving forward with our event on August 22nd. Especially after we spoke with our title sponsor, Paul Ryan and his staff, who felt it would be ridiculous to quit now. Don't know if you've ever met these folks, but if you need motivation, they are great at turning disappointment into excitement!
As always, and to be extremely clear, the health & safety of our community is of utmost importance. As much as we love to party, we will have to save the rave until SPIN-A-THON 2021. We will be postponing gathering and the after party until next year.
We are about 30 days out and psyched for this year's event! Will there be social distancing? Yes. Masks? Check. Fun? Absolutely! If you'd like to donate to a team member (most do $10 to $20) to help them reach their $100 goal, or if you want to ride with us, we'd LOVE to have you on our Alt 101-5 team. Hit me up, angel@alternativemissoula.com or DM The Sweat Shop on IG. Riders must be pre-registered with their team, and have raised a minimum of $100 individually before August 22nd.
If you plan to ride:
Location: The Sweat Shop at
When: Saturday, August 22nd for 40 minutes during your team's assigned time slot.
Who Benefits: Missoula's Shirley Miller Attention Home (aka 'The A Home')
This home specifically aids displaced youth needing immediate care. Children who are unable to remain within their home are provided a safe landing for up to 30 days. Let’s remember who we are riding for, and that as our “new normal” takes shape, these kids need our support.
Wondering if the rider you are supporting will be safe? Below is a list of policies for the 2020 SPIN-A-THON:
-Teams will arrive at designated ride time. Teams are not permitted to gather before or after designated class at the studio. ALL riders must wear face coverings in accordance with state regulations.
-Temp-Check/Health Screening: ALL riders will be subject to a temperature check upon arrival. Riders with a temp above 99.5 will not be permitted to ride, or enter the studio. All riders must sign a release of symptoms waiver and will not be permitted if they exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms.
-Sanitizing/Social Distancing: All Riders must use hand sanitizer upon arrival and will be directed to their station. A 6 foot distance will be the minimum between riders, with less than 50% capacity in the room. All surfaces will be disinfected prior to, and immediately after class. Each class will be 40 minutes to allow for thorough sanitizing. Riders will enter through the main door and exit through the back door.
Spin-a-thon was such a success last year, that our opportunity for sponsors filled up quickly this year. The magic of the Missoula community never ceases to amaze us, thank you for giving displaced youth a place to feel safe!
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