2017 Missoula Festival of the Dead
Here's the schedule for the 25th annual Festival of the Dead day and parade in Missoula. BTW, if you've never attended this event, you're missing out on the BEST parade of the year.
The Missoula Festival of the Dead event culminates in a processional, which will begin at the XXXs and move down Higgins Avenue to Caras Park. Come walk or watch to reflect on the importance of those who have gone before us in shaping our lives.
On Thursday, November 2nd:
• 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Pre-procession performances at Circle Square, 519 N. Higgins Ave. (The XXXX's)
• 7:00 p.m. Festival of the Dead Procession starts at Circle Square
• 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Post-procession performances at Caras Park
The ZACC (Zootown Arts Community Center) will continue to offer free workshops leading up to parade day, keep up with activities here.